How can I lose weight without feeling hungry?

There are many rather drastic diets that will allow you to lose weight quickly. However, these methods often require you to starve yourself. There is nothing worse than going to bed with a rumbling stomach. To lose weight, it is obvious that you have to reduce your caloric intake, but this is not always obvious!

Everything around us is designed to encourage us to eat. An American study has shown that in one day, we make about 200 decisions related to our food. There are simple and effective ways to eat less without feeling hungry. The goal is to find a method to lose weight while being satisfied with what we eat.

We take the time to eat.

What we eat is as important as the way we eat it. With our rhythm of life, it is often complicated to take a real break to eat, especially at lunchtime; we tend to eat on the go. However, the length of our meal has an influence on our weight loss. A meal should last at least 20 minutes, and should preferably be eaten in a quiet place, at the table and not in front of a screen on the sofa. Indeed, when we eat quickly, we tend to refill and eat more because our brain does not have time to integrate the information that the body has received enough calories. On the other hand, eating more slowly allows our body to better realize what it is absorbing. It is true that it is not necessarily easy to evaluate the speed at which we eat, to help you, do not hesitate to look at the time at which you start to eat. You should also know that there is a connected fork that will vibrate if you go too fast. Last but not least, listen to yourself, listen to your feelings of hunger and satiety.

We prefer foods with a low glycemic index.

It is not uncommon to feel hungry just one hour after eating a large burger and fries. This is because not all foods are assimilated in the same way by our bodies. Foods with a high glycemic index cause a rapid secretion of insulin in our body and quickly provoke a feeling of hunger and a desire to eat. Insulin is the main hormone that stores fat in the body. Thus, if we reduce this secretion of insulin our body will start to burn fat and draw from its reserves. Among the foods to be favored are: avocado, eggplant or oilseeds such as almonds and walnuts. In addition to helping you lose weight, these foods are good for your health because they limit the risk of type 2 diabetes. Find a more complete classification of foods according to their glycemic index.

We bet on natural appetite suppressants.

There are natural and very satiating appetite suppressants that will prevent you from cracking and devouring the entire package of cakes when you feel the urge to snack. Among them, we find the apple. Indeed, apples are low in calories (about 50 calories for one apple), and they contain pectins. These are soluble fibers found in the seeds and skin of many fruits. Once swallowed, these fibers will swell in our stomach and give us a feeling of satiety. We can also mention agar-agar as a satiating food. An essential culinary aid, agar-agar is an amazing slimming asset. It allows on one hand to lighten your recipes but can be used simply as an appetite suppressant. The technique? Pour 1 g of agar agar in a cup of boiling water (tea, coffee, infusion, broth, soup), mix well and consume before the water temperature goes down to 40 °C. Drink 10 to 20 minutes before the meal.

We opt for the formula starter dish dessert.

We favor this trio during our meals. A single dish is not enough to ensure lasting satiety. It is important to eat enough so that you don't leave the table still hungry. For example, we start with a starter rich in water, such as raw vegetables or soups, which will fill your stomach from the start. Then, you can have a light meal with a lean meat for example and finally you can have a dessert such as a dairy or fruit. This meal will bring you a correct intake in terms of volume without exceeding the calorie gauge. This way, you can be sure not to feel frustrated or hungry.

We stop the draconian diets.

"Losing 10 kilos in a week" we have all been confronted with articles of this type and of course, we have all wanted to test this kind of diet. However, rapid weight loss means weight regain and therefore a yo-yo effect is guaranteed! Moreover, we tend to abandon this kind of diet very quickly because hunger often becomes too present. To refine your figure effectively, it is important to maintain 3 meals a day to lose weight, namely breakfast, lunch and dinner.

We invest in a new table service.

The key to this tip? Putting away the big family plates and dishes and buying small plates (and eating off of them!). Using large containers can lead to a 30% increase in food intake. Thus, by eating in dessert plates, we will reduce the proportions and lose weight more easily. The same goes for glasses, opt for long, narrow glasses that have a smaller volume than others. Another technique is to serve yourself on your plate rather than bringing a dish to share on the table. When you bring the dish to the table, you tend to nibble on it rather mechanically.

We go to sport several times a week.

Well, this tip comes as no great surprise. To lose fat most effectively, opt for a sport that combines cardio-training and strength training. By taking part in sporting activities, you'll burn calories and therefore be able to indulge in a few extra tasty treats. But be careful to remain reasonable, especially as the number of calories eliminated by exercise or daily activities is not the same for everyone. Visit sport is also a means of mental escape and enrichment. To support you in your exercises at sport, Lytess has created a 100% sport range that will enable you to visibly refine and firm your figure thanks to the combination of a sheathing ceramic fabric and microencapsulated slimming active ingredients.

To succeed in eating less and adopting these new habits, you must be patient. When we decide to change our way of eating, it takes about 3 weeks for our stomach to get used to this new rhythm. The more you eat, the more your body will be used to receiving large quantities and will always ask for more.


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